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Seghor Qaal

The Seghor Qaal are sentients originating on Ghazal'an (Gel. Tayraps-56-2) that eventually spread out to neighboring planets. Their society was fairly socially rigid, goverened by an elected pair of married chiefs; their soceity was also highlighy advanced, making important strides in space-travel technology. The Seghor Qaal are tall, lean and muscular with rough, scaly skin ranging in green hues from light olive green to deep forest green; they have orange-yellow eyes and black hair. They often have horny growths on their shoulders, on the sides of their faces and above the eyebrows. The Seghor Qaal are the most recent carnivorous sentient species to undergo Extermination Law (see Extermination Law). The Seghor Qaal were infamous for their fierce swordsmanship - with blades that could purportedly cut  though any material. Their fighting style employs multiple swords that are soaked in a proprietary liquid electrolyte that  effectively charges the blades with an electric current. Seghor Qaals' scales make them resistant to electrical shocks, although a high enough voltage would be fatal.


For individuals, certain intellectual and emotional capacities must be met in order to be described as a sentient. There are specific requirements around technological and societal development that must be met for species to wholly be classified as a sentient species. Therefore, an individual can be classified as a sentient, butt hat does not wholly qualify their species as sentient. 

Societal Debts

A status given to individuals who have been sentenced for repeated criminal activity, or or those who have committed Crimes Against the Free Planets. There are varying degrees of severity to SD, but in all cases, those burdened with SD cannot own property (including spacecraft) around or on any planet, and their actions are monitored for life by the ICFP. The oversight and implementation of SD is governed by the ICFP Bureau of Intergalactic Standing. 


The Seghor Qaal sword fighting style. 


The Exploration and Diplomacy Corps is an elite group of ICFP agents that focus on expanding, overseeing and, at times, defending the borders of the Known Galaxy. XDC agents are known colloquially as star-seekers. 




Yookip are sentients that live on Lulitagil, a moon orbiting the planet Norda-70-5. The moon is extremely cold and desolate. Atmosformers were installed long ago by the ICFP but are prone to glitching. Yookip are well-adapted to a hard life on their moon, but they trace their origins to Norda-70-5. Males of their species have two spiral horns that are slightly bigger than those of their female counterparts. They have large eyes with vestigial nictitating membranes under their eyelids.  They are generally grayish beige in tone of both hair and skin to blend in with their surroundings.  They also are known to have huge appetites and can eat large amounts of food in one sitting. Yookip are considered to be yokels by most other societies, having little to no awareness of anything other than spacecraft machinery and programming. 

An original work by Dannie K. 

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